FAQ – dispelling some myths about the Ravisher…

by Knitsmith Linda on February 5, 2012


How safe is it for me to use my chrome 10mm circular needles when travelling on the modern day dirigibles?

Madame – the Royal Antipodean Order of Knitsmiths has undertaken puncture stress tests to ascertain the issue at hand, and it was deemed safe for ladies to use them onboard. It is however strictly forbidden for your Homme Mécanique to use them on your behalf due to the steam piston “slammer” mechanism installed in their arms.

How real is the possibility of my person being ravished while dressed in this piece?

Madame, it is a very real possibility and a step you should not take lightly at all. It would be prudent to also carry your derringer parasol (standard issue) and set your Homme Mécanique defence settings to “stun” when taking a stroll in the local gardens.



I read in The Steam Times that the Ravisher had previously been banned due to a spate of duels in the summer of ’52. Is this the same item of clothing?

Madame – it is indeed the same item. However, the Knitsmiths have been allowed to adapt the said item on the basis that it will not cause a public disturbance and be within the decency guidelines – we trust we have achieved both. It might be worth considering having a laudanum dart loaded in your derringer parasol (Amazon Vacances model) at the ready for any hot-headed suitor who might take matters into his own hands.

For ladies of generous bosom, how could the Ravisher be incorporated with the steam corset “Oops-A-Daisy©” 1000?

Sir – the Bow-Street runners have been notified of your whereabouts and will be nicking you shortly.

{ 2 comments… read them below or add one }

Lyndell February 8, 2012 at 11:59 pm

Snortle 🙂
“steam corset “Oops-A-Daisy” 1000” the mind boggles !


Knitsmith Linda February 9, 2012 at 2:47 pm

Indeed Madame, the mind has been known to boggle upon beholding the Oops-A-Daisy 1000. We recommend a very fine elixir from the laboratories of Dr Ralph E. Dodgy of Castlemaine, Victoria for such symptoms.


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